With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
- Abraham Lincoln
2nd Inaugural Address (3-4-1865)
As everybody knows, my family, our great country, and your President, have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people. They have done everything possible to destroy us, and by so doing, very badly hurt our nation. They know what they are doing is wrong, but they put themselves far ahead of our great country.
- Donald Trump
at the National Prayer Breakfast (2-6-2020)
This week's featured post is "Let's Talk Each Other Down". Think of it as a counterweight to all the depressing or panic-worthy stuff in this summary.
This week everybody was talking about Iowa and New Hampshire
OK, Iowa was a mess. But there's a reliable paper trail, so there's good reason to believe the result. Tomorrow is the New Hampshire primary, which I am amazed to discover I have not covered at all. I have not been to a single candidate event this year, despite living just over the border in Massachusetts.
To a large extent that's because the main thing that matters to me is electing Not Trump. I have likes and opinions, but I'm all-in for whoever gets the nomination. Anyway, here's one comment about each major contender:
- Biden's fourth-place finish in Iowa was a huge disappointment, and he doesn't look to be running well in NH either. He's counting on his black support to get him back in the race in South Carolina. I'll bet Kamala Harris is kicking herself for getting out, because there is no obvious inheritor of Biden's black support if he fails.
- Bloomberg is running such an unorthodox campaign that it's hard to know whether his strategy is working or not. But he gets Trump's goat better than any other candidate, and that has to count for something.
- Buttigieg was the biggest beneficiary of Iowa. Sanders won the popular vote, but Buttigieg was the big surprise and wound up with the most delegates. His NH polls shot up afterwards, largely, I think, because his Iowa performance gave people who already like him a reason to take his candidacy seriously. (Likeability is one of those nebulous concepts that is easy to abuse and hides a bunch of prejudices. But for what it's worth, Pete is the candidate I feel the most affection for. That doesn't necessarily mean I plan to vote for him, though.) It's hard to tell whether this week's debate blunted his momentum or not.
- Klobuchar is the tortoise in this race. She also got on the map in Iowa, and is probably the second choice of a lot of Biden's white supporters. She's polling near zero in South Carolina, though, so she needs to do well in New Hampshire to stay in the race.
- Sanders got more first-round votes than any other candidate in Iowa, but his case for beating Trump didn't do so well. The theory of how Sanders wins in November is that (even though he may lose some voters in the center) he raises turnout by inspiring a lot of new voters to come to the polls. But turnout in Iowa was not much different from 2016, and much lower than 2008, when Obama really did inspire people. He needs a win in NH, but he also needs to win the right way, with a big turnout.
- Warren is the president I would appoint, if the Universe would grant me that power. She's got to be disappointed in her distant third-place finish in Iowa, and recent polls have her running third in NH as well. She was briefly the front-runner last fall, but it's hard to see where her break-out state is.
Josh Marshall makes a prediction of how Trump will smear Bernie, should he become the front-runner. He also pre-debunks the smear.
and the final impeachment trial result
The biggest surprise of the Senate vote was that Trump's acquittal wasn't a party-line vote, and that the lone defector was a Republican, not a Democrat. After lots of speculation that Joe Manchin or some other red-state Democrat would find a way to excuse Trump, the Democrats held firm, and Mitt Romney found his conscience.
I've been a bit appalled at how uncharitable many of my social media friends have been, trying to see Romney's choice as some kind of 2024 calculation. That seems really unlikely to me. Mitt is smart enough to realize that no matter how badly Trump blows up, nobody is going to get the 2024 Republican nomination by being anti-Trump. Assuming Trump even bothers to observe the term-limit rule -- I mean, the Constitution is just a piece of paper -- the next Republican nominee is either a Trump successor (Pence? Ivanka? Don Jr.?) or somebody who has stayed conveniently off the national stage (like Paul Ryan or a governor).
I think Mitt is at a point in his career where he sees History staring him in the face, and doesn't want to be remembered as Trump's accomplice. I'm amazed that more late-in-their-careers Republicans haven't looked at things that way. Lamar Alexander, for example, has just guaranteed that none of the things he's proud of will be remembered. The headline of his obituary will be that he shut down the witnesses to Trump's crimes.
Mitt's vote has provided contrast for the cowardice of the other Republican senators. We can hope other Republicans will be emboldened to take a stand as well.
and reprisals against those involved in Trump's impeachment

The Washington Post put President Clinton's and President Trump's post-acquittal speeches side-by-side. They could not be more different. Clinton was short, contrite, and tried to put conflict behind him. ("I believe any person who asks for forgiveness has to be prepared to give it.")
Trump, by contrast, was long-winded and dishonest, and took no responsibility for the acts that started this whole national trauma.
Trump repeatedly called Democrats involved in the impeachment “evil,” “corrupt” and “vicious and mean.” He railed against the Russian investigation, former FBI director James B. Comey, and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, adding, “It was all bullshit.”
He seemed poised for revenge, and soon began to take it. Donald Jr. made the threat explicit:
Allow me a moment to thank—and this may be a bit of a surprise—Adam Schiff. Were it not for his crack investigation skills, @realDonaldTrump might have had a tougher time unearthing who all needed to be fired. Thanks, Adam!
After the show trial, the purge. Ambassador Gordon Sondland lost his job, as did Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman at the National Security Council. Somewhat stranger, Vindman's brother Yevgeny was also fired from his job as an NSC lawyer. But that also fits the Stalinist pattern: Once you've been judged to be an Enemy of the People, your relatives are also suspect. That's probably why Mitt Romney's niece, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, has been so quick to declare her fealty to the regime.
Joshua Geltzer and Ryan Goodman comment on the Just Security blog:
Some have suggested that the outcry sparked by Friday’s reprisals was overblown. After all, any president is, on some level, entitled to surround himself at the White House and be represented overseas by those he trusts. But the question raised by Friday’s purge is: trusts to do what? And that’s where these actions raise serious concerns for American democracy: because Trump increasingly wants an executive branch that’ll serve not the United States of America but Donald J. Trump personally.
Trump was punishing key witnesses for doing precisely what the United States Congress swore them in to do: explain what they’d seen and heard.
... [E]xploitation of America’s diplomatic, military, and law enforcement mechanisms was the very usurpation of power that got Trump impeached in the first place. At the heart of the Ukraine extortion scheme was Trump and his personal lawyer’s appropriation of those mechanisms for political benefit and to the detriment of the country’s national security interests. Having survived impeachment, Trump now seeks to accelerate the redirection of America’s instruments of power into his own instruments of power.
Trump is not the only Republican engaged in post-impeachment reprisals. During the trial, Senator Rand Paul on numerous occasions named someone he claimed was the whistleblower whose complaint started the Ukraine investigation.
Friday, Tom Mueller (author of the book Crisis of Conscience about the history of whistleblowing) wrote a complaint to the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, explaining how Senator Paul's behavior violated the law.
Senator Paul’s actions constituted a retaliatory outing of a government witness—which is criminal conduct. Federal criminal law prohibits the obstruction of justice, and provides that “[w]hoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.”
Paul's outing of the whistleblower occurred not just on the floor of the Senate (where it might be constitutionally protected) but also outside the Senate and on Twitter.
If Senator Paul goes unpunished, this will be the kind of weakening of the law typical of the descent towards fascism. In the late stages of fascism, criticism of the Leader is punished by the State directly. But in earlier stages, critics simply lose the protection of the laws and can be attacked by followers of the Leader without consequence. When the Brownshirts come to beat them up, the police watch and do nothing.
Speaking of brownshirts: Immediately after Romney's guilty vote, CPAC chair Matt Schlapp disinvited him from the flagship conservative convention. Yesterday, Schlapp said "I would actually be afraid for his physical safety" if he showed up.
and the State of the Union
The State of the Union address was Tuesday. Trump stayed on script, but the script was full of lies and exaggerations.
At the end of the State of the Union address, Nancy Pelosi very decisively ripped up Trump's speech. For some reason, this display of disrespect resounded across right-wing media, as if this were most uncivil thing to happen in months. I agree with Trae Crowder, a.k.a. the Liberal Redneck:
The level of disrespect she showed by, like, ripping up the president's speech at the State of the Union like that -- it's nowhere near disrespectful enough. ... This is the most disrespectful motherfucker on Planet Earth.
Medals of Freedom are essentially lifetime achievement awards that presidents give to people who make Americans proud. Usually that means other Americans, but sometimes a medal goes to a foreigner (Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking) who just makes us proud to be human.
Presidents have complete discretion to pick whoever they want, and for the most part they've done a good job. Over the years MoF awards have gone to authors like John Steinbeck and Harper Lee, artists like Georgia O'Keefe and Andrew Wyeth, musicians like Count Basie and Bob Dylan, and businessmen like Henry Ford II and IBM-founder Tom Watson. Computer-programming pioneer Grace Hopper got one, and so did photographer Ansel Adams. Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel got one for being the conscience of the world.
In baseball's Hall of Fame not everyone is Babe Ruth, and the same thing happens with Medals of Freedom. They've also gone to people who were famous and deserving of respect but not legendary, like actor Tom Hanks, Western-genre author Louis L'Amour, and Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels. It happens. Presidents have their own idiosyncratic tastes. Some awards looked fine at the time, but shameful in retrospect, like President Bush giving one to Bill Cosby in 2002.
Well, Tuesday during the State of the Union address, President Trump awarded one to Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has been a purveyor of hate and lies for more than 30 years. Who can forget his branding of Georgetown student Sandra Fluke as a "slut" and a "prostitute" for the unpardonable sin of defending ObamaCare's contraception mandate?
So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.
Feel proud yet? How about when he accused Michael J. Fox of exaggerating the symptoms of his Parkinson's Disease? Or when he made up a series of "facts" in order to falsely blame measles outbreaks on immigrant children? Or his addiction to prescription drugs, which resulted in a settlement with the State of Florida to get them to drop charges for doctor shopping?
Politifact has looked into 42 of Limbaugh's controversial statements, and found zero of them to be entirely true. Thirty-five were rated Mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire.
In short, if I were Sidney Poitier or Buzz Aldrin or some other living recipient of the Medal, I'd be looking at that award with considerably less pride than I did a week ago.
Not all of Trump's awardees have cheapened the Medal. (I thought NBA legends Bob Cousy and Jerry West were worthy choices.) But a number of them look like deliberate attempts to debase the award: ethically challenged Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese; Arthur Laffer, creator of the discredited "Laffer Curve" theory that tax cuts increase revenue; and Miriam Adelson, wife of GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson.
This is some of the hidden damage Trump is doing to America. Even if we get rid of him in November, it will take a while to recover the value of things he has desecrated.
and you also might be interested in ...
David Fahrenthold has found yet another way that Trump is profiteering off the presidency: He's making the Secret Service stay at his properties, and then overcharging them.
President Trump’s company charges the Secret Service for the rooms agents use while protecting him at his luxury properties — billing U.S. taxpayers at rates as high as $650 per night, according to federal records and people who have seen receipts. ...
“If my father travels, they stay at our properties for free — meaning, like, cost for housekeeping,” Trump’s son Eric said in a Yahoo Finance interview last year.
Are you surprised to learn that's a lie? However, the really scandalous part of the story is the extent to which Trump has kept the public in the dark about his self-dealing.
The Secret Service is required to tell Congress twice a year about what it spends to protect Trump at his properties. But since 2016, it has only filed two of the required six reports, according to congressional offices. The reasons, according to Secret Service officials: key personnel left and nobody picked up the job. Even in those two reports, the lines for Bedminster and Mar-a-Lago were blank.
As I said above about Rand Paul, this is how fascism starts: Not with new laws, but with refusing to enforce the old laws.
A somewhat technical but worth-reading NYT article about Instex, a device Germany, France, and Britain set up to avoid US sanctions on countries and businesses that trade with Iran. It's not working, but the lengths the US is going to in order to keep it from working is a lesson in how hard it is to be an independent US ally these days. Either you give up sovereignty and let Trump write your foreign policy, or the full economic fury of the United States will be unleashed on you. Sooner or later, our former allies will realize they need to work with China to balance our power.
China's National Health Commission announced the 97 people died of coronavirus yesterday, more than any previous daily total. That brought the overall Chinese death toll to 908.
and let's close with an inside joke
In order to understand this, you need to know the stories of my people.