Government, despite its many sins, remains the only institution that can make our freedom real.
This week everybody was talking about Baltimore
Jurors were
unable to reach a verdict on any of the four charges against police officer William Porter in the
death of Freddie Gray.
Porter is one of six officers charged in Gray's death, and Porter was tried first because
prosecutors hoped to use his testimony in the subsequent cases. It's not clear where the prosecution goes from here.
and Chicago police corruption
Laquan McDonald story just keeps getting worse. It isn't just that we
have video that shows a police officer blasting away at McDonald for no
apparent reason, contradicting all the official reports. It's that
lots of other police officers lied to cover for the killer.
Rahm Emanuel has already fired Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy,
and many are calling for Emanuel's own resignation or for a recall
election. But just changing faces won't solve this. The Mayor -- whoever
that turns out to be when the dust settles -- needs to make it a
priority to change the culture of the Chicago Police Department. What
Emanuel has said so far, that he takes responsibility "because it
happened on my watch" makes him sound like an innocent bystander, and
just doesn't cut it.
Neil Sternberg of the
Chicago Sun Times raises the key issue:
The motto on Chicago squad cars, “We Serve and Protect,” is a phrase without an object. “We serve and protect whom?” The
implication is the people of the city of Chicago, and to be fair, much
serving and protecting goes on, all the time, all day, every day. ...
But the ooze from the bad apples spatters [the good police officers],
big time. The routine competence and occasional excellence of the
department is undercut by a general atmosphere that could be emblazoned
on their cars as “We serve and protect ourselves.” The attitude
is that their job is so dangerous that their first duty is to each
other, and it fosters an insular world of corruption and cronyism.
and that the government will stay open
A budget deal
got done.
Ezra Klein has a good summary. The bill includes money for the medical bills of the
9-11 first responders. There's no defunding of Planned Parenthood or blocking of Syrian refugees.
and wild over-reactions to Islam
A world-religions teacher in a Virginia high school
assigned students to draw the Islamic statement of faith, the
shahada, as an exercise in Arabic calligraphy.
were not asked to translate the statement or to recite it. The lesson
was found to be in line with Virginia Standards of Learning for the
study of monotheistic world religions.
It was similar to a previous assignment that involved drawing Chinese characters, and came out of a standard text.

Well, maybe it was predictable that some
Christian parents would object, but who could have predicted
how far out of control
the situation would spiral? Due to "a deluge of 'profane' and 'hateful'
messages from around the country" the school operated under lockdown on
Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday evening, extra-curricular
activities were cancelled. Friday, following the advice of local law
all the district's schools and offices were closed.
Remind me: Which side are the terrorists supposed to be on?
At Wheaton College in Illinois, tenured political-science professor Larycia Hawkins
posted on Facebook
that part of her Advent worship this year would be to "stand in human
solidarity with my Muslim neighbor" by wearing the Muslim headscarf, the
She said that, as a Christian, she saw Muslims as fellow "people of the
book", and quoted Pope Francis saying that "we worship the same God".
That was too much for the Wheaton administration, who suspended her indefinitely,
recent faculty statements have generated confusion about complex
theological matters, and could be interpreted as failing to reflect the
distinctively Christian theological identity of Wheaton College.
Yale theologian Miroslav Wolf, whose book Hawkins had referenced, isn't buying that the motives behind her suspension are "theological".
asserted that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. She did not
insist that Christians and Muslims believe the same things about that
one God. ... There isn’t any theological justification for Hawkins’s
forced administrative leave. Her suspension is not about theology and
orthodoxy. It is about enmity toward Muslims.
... When Hawkins
justified her solidarity with Muslims by noting that as a Christian she
worships the same God as Muslims, she committed the unpardonable sin of
removing the enemy from the category of “alien” and “purely evil” other.
It seems to me that once you declare that there's only one God, you lose the option of claiming that other people worship a
different God. You can claim that they have crazy beliefs about God and worship God all wrong, but you can't claim
their omnipotent Creator of the Universe is a different being from
your omnipotent Creator of the Universe.
I wonder if the administration's unwillingness to interpret away their
differences with Hawkins has anything to do with the fact she is the
only tenured black woman on the Wheaton faculty. One of the ways
unconscious racism and sexism plays out is in the presumption that "he
must have had a good reason to do or say that", while women and blacks
are likely to be seen as radical or irrational.
No idea whether there's any connection or not, but a dozen or so
girls at Vernon Hills High School in Illinois have also started wearing a hijab in solidarity with Muslims suffering discrimination.
we're talking religion: Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic prep school for
girls in Milton, Massachusetts, hired a guy to be director of food
services. When he filled out his employment form, though, he listed his
husband as his emergency contact. The school rescinded the job offer
"because his marriage was inconsistent with the teachings of the
Catholic Church."
Since being Catholic or having a lifestyle
consistent with Catholic teachings had never previously been a
requirement for directing food services, the guy sued. The school tried
to argue that this wasn't discrimination against gays. (You can be gay,
you just can't get married.) But courts aren't that stupid, so
they lost.
pattern shows up a lot among people who think they aren't prejudiced
against anybody: I don't have anything against you or your people, I
just object to your attempt to live a normal life. (Go ahead a be
transgendered. Just don't use public bathrooms.)
Franklin Graham,
heir to his father Billy's evangelistic empire, is calling for an end
to Muslim immigration "until the war with Islam is over".
Graham also said Islam is not compatible with American values and therefore the U.S. might have to shut down mosques.
is precisely why the Founders wanted to separate church and state:
Graham's version of Christianity may see itself at war with Islam, and
think that Islam is incompatible with
its values, but that crusade has nothing to do with the United States of America.
And before we leave religion entirely,
Vox has a great article about the
dilemma of Western imams
when they see young people getting radicalized. You don't want them
learning Islam with only radical internet chatter for guidance. But
they do and try [to help] these young people, and for whatever reason
it doesn't work, then they get in trouble. [Police] come knocking at the
door saying, "You were in touch with this person and they went
overseas. What did you tell them?"
One of the article's most important observations comes early:
are where radicalization is stopped: They provide vulnerable Muslims
with a sense of community, thus overcoming the isolation that can allow
online extremist propaganda to seep in, and they give imams an
opportunity to intervene in troubled lives and counteract extremist
Unfortunately, that kind of social work isn't what imams are trained for.
There's also the story of the New Jersey teacher who
claims she was fired mostly for being a Muslim;
not in so many words, of course, but because she did things (like show a
Malala video) that would have been no problem for a non-Muslim teacher.
I'm not making a bigger deal out of this because so far all we have is
the teacher's version of events.
but more people should be talking about Flint
Other than Rachel Maddow, national news media hasn't shown much interest in the
Michigan Emergency Manager Law,
which allows the governor to appoint a manager for cities and towns
that get into financial trouble. The manager essentially replaces the
local government, and has the power to do just about anything but raise
taxes. (Because taxation without representation would be tyranny, but
having your union contract voided without representation is OK.)
Rachel points out, though, this is a very radical notion: that
democracy gets in the way when you're trying to pay your debts, so it
just makes good sense to install what is essentially a dictator. (In
practice, the Michigan cities that get in trouble tend to be
overwhelmingly black, so to the extent that this law is in the American
tradition at all, it's the American tradition of disenfranchising black
In Flint, one way the emergency manager tried to save
money was to start using water from the Flint River rather than
continuing to buy lake water from Detroit. Lots of other cities use
river water without any problems, but there is an issue: River water is
more corrosive than lake water, so (unless treated) it has a tendency to
dissolve lead out of pipes, raising the amount of lead in the water.
Flint didn't take proper precautions, so the lead level in Flint water
has spiked, a fact that is likely to lead to permanent neurological
damage in Flint's children, ranging from lower IQs to mood disorders.
Friday night, Rachel devoted most of her show to this story, starting
with a
very enraged reporting of the facts, and followed by an
interview with the doctor who found elevated lead in Flint children's blood.
and you might also be interested in
ProPublica's "
An Unbelievable Story of Rape" is
both important and heart-breaking. An 18-year-old woman said she was
raped. But when police and her former foster mothers started to doubt
her story, she admitted that she made it all up. Then they caught a
serial rapist who had her in his notebook, and found the pictures he
The reporters do a good job of not demonizing the police
involved in the case, most of whom are women. Figuring out what to make
of the testimony of someone who has been traumatized is genuinely
difficult, and the detectives' training didn't adequately prepare them
for a case like this.
In the middle of an otherwise serious poll, PPP asked
532 Republican primary voters whether they would favor or oppose bombing Agrabah.
30% said yes and only 13% no. 41% of Trump voters favored bombing Agrabah.
Agrabah is fictional; it appears in the Disney movie
Aladdin. You
have to wonder what results they'd have gotten if they'd asked about
bombing a real city in a Middle Eastern country our government is on
good terms with, like say
Riyadh or
Abu Dhabi. A similar question in a poll of
532 Democratic primary voters found only 19% willing to bomb Agrabah, with 36% opposed.
Republican responses to reality-based questions were pretty remarkable
as well. 34% support Trump. Combined with Ted Cruz' 18%, that's a
majority. 54% support Trump's call for a ban on Muslims entering the
country. 46% support a national database of Muslims. 36% believe the
totally baseless claim that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered when the Twin Towers fell on 9-11.
Interestingly, 55% of the Republicans support raising the minimum wage to $10 or higher.
Fareed Zakaria debunks the "mystical powers" Republicans assign to the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism". (Read
his WaPo column or watch him
present it
on CNN.) Zakaria has been using the phrase himself since 9-11, so he
can testify that "it gives absolutely nothing in the way of an answer or
strategy to deal with terrorist attacks."
The best
proof that calling radical Islam by its name provides no solutions is
that the Republican candidates had none at Tuesday’s debate. After all
the huffing and puffing, the most aggressive among them proposed more
bombing, no-fly zones and arming the Kurds.
These are modest additions to Obama’s current strategy, each with its own problems. ... judgment calls, not no-brainers.
Strangely, after the GOP candidates boldly and correctly described the
enemy as an ideology — which is much broader than one group — they spoke
almost entirely about fighting that one group. Even if the Islamic
State were defeated tomorrow, would that stop the next lone-wolf
jihadist in New York or Paris or London?
Zakaria calls attention to a great line by Seth Meyers:
[Obama] used the words ‘radical,’ ‘Islam,’ and ‘terrorism,’ he just
didn’t use them in the right order. Which would be a problem if it was a
spell and he was Harry Potter, but he’s not, so it isn’t.
way behind in my debate watching. Let me say, though, that I'm pleased
to see Clinton and Sanders continue to take the high road. Sanders
refused to make an issue of Clinton's emails in the first debate. In Saturday's, Sanders apologized for the
data-theft incident that made such a flap this week;
Clinton accepted and said they should move on.
and let's close with something topical
Bad Lip Reading does
Star Wars.